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Human beings are social creatures by nature, online dating schleppende kommunikation. Socialising and engaging with others is almost as crucial as food and water to our survival. The way in which we communicate has been rapidly evolving over recent years. With advances in technology, the internet, instant messaging and now smartphones, there are many channels and modalities in which to interact with others.
However, has our evolutionary brain been able to adapt and keep up with this inundation of communication possibilities? This article examines online dating schleppende kommunikation these virtual interactions can replace face-to-face communication in terms of promoting satisfaction and enhancing overall well-being. Research conducted by Lee et al. While the internet has opened up a new realm of possibilities in terms of connecting with people across the globe, at any time, there are inherent factors in online communication that limit its ability to promote the same levels of satisfaction as traditional face-to-face communication.
There are many crucial differences between online and face-to-face communication which can lead to online communication being less emotionally satisfying and fulfilling than face-to-face communication. Below are several reasons as to why this may be the case:. Overall, face-to-face communication fosters higher quality interactions than online communication. Is that to say the virtual world has nothing to offer in terms of socializing? Absolutely not. It should not, however, be integral or the sole source where one socialises and interacts online dating schleppende kommunikation others.
The internet, technology and smartphones have brought with them many benefits. They have increased work flexibility in some fields, allowed for people to remain in touch across continents, made life easier by congregating all necessary tools to pay bills, check emails, talk to loved ones etc. on one device. However, when it comes to our human need to socialize and connect with others, face-to-face communication is still required.
In Lee et al. In order to enhance our well-being, we need a healthy balance between our virtual and real worlds. While technology has been able to bring communities and people closer together, it is up to us to foster those connections and nurture them through old fashioned face-to-face encounters. It is vital for us as a human species to be able to continue to connect with others without hiding behind a screen, online dating schleppende kommunikation. Rotondi, V. October 10, Connecting alone: Smartphone use, quality of social interactions and well-being.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 63, Lee, P. Online dating schleppende kommunikation Communication Versus Face-to-face Interaction in Quality of Life. Social Indicators Research,— DOI Internet Paradox: A Social Technology That Reduces Social Involvement and Psychological Well-Being?.
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June 3, The Dark Triad at Work December 1, Self-Care: How to Cultivate Your Mind, Body and Soul May 4, Find your Flow July 20, EDITOR PICKS. Celebrity Worship Syndrome March 28, POPULAR POSTS. Communication: Online vs. Face-to-Face Interactions April 13, Is the internet destroying our attention span? January 3, Do You Have Celebrity Worship Syndrome? March 29, POPULAR CATEGORY. My New Book!!
Communication: Online vs. Face-to-Face Interactions - Psychminds
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